Via Ferrata Driekyna Rock
From 17.11.2022, the Ferratas are temporarily closed for safety reasons.
Re-opening in spring 2023.
Ferrata “Pamir”, difficulty C, only in ascent. Length approx. 30 m¨
Ferrata “Descent”, difficulty A, only downhill. Length approx. 7 m.

Before entering the via ferrata, you must familiarize yourself with the operating regulations!!!
Contact the UIMLA mountain guide: +421 905 487 060, www.tvojsprievodca
Rental of via ferrata set: Infocentrum Slovenská Ľupča, Námestie SNP 12, +421 903 162 908,
Visiting and operating regulations for the Via Ferrata on Driekyňská skala.
§1 Introductory provisions
The owner of the Via Ferrat on Driekyňská skala is the municipality of Slovenská Ľupča.
Visiting and operating regulations serve above all to prevent accidents. It is prominently located on the website, to which via ferrata visitors are navigated via a QR code placed on the information boards. The operating and visiting regulations are also available at the information center of the municipality.
Violation of the operating rules may lead to the expulsion of the visitor from the via ferrata.
Movement on via ferratas is possible at your own risk. For damages caused to persons due to violations of operating regulations, incorrect belaying technique, climbing or manipulation of a via ferrata set, poor-quality equipment, carelessness, disrespect for other climbers, etc., as well as for damages to things, as well as for things stored outside the designated areas , the owner and manager of the via ferrata does not assume any responsibility.
When moving on via ferratas, the visitor is obliged to take into account the presence of climbers climbing classic climbing routes, and in the event of an imminent collision, give them priority.
There is a risk of falling on via ferrata routes and the risk of falling rocks with the consequences of serious injury or even death.
Movement on via ferratas is intended for experienced climbers equipped with a basic certified via ferrata set: seat climbing harness (or full body), fall arrester, climbing helmet. For difficult via ferratas from difficulty level E, we recommend supplementing the basic equipment with extended via ferrata equipment: seat belt and breast harness. We also recommend using gloves and sturdy hiking shoes.
Beginners and inexperienced climbers can climb via ferratas only with an authorized person, such as a UIAGM mountain guide and a UIMLA mountain guide, or with an experienced climber.
The UIAGM mountain guide and UIMLA mountain guide follow the standards issued by their status organization when providing services. The UIAGM mountain guide and the UIMLA mountain guide are responsible for the accompanied persons during the provision of the service. Authorized persons have taken out liability insurance for damages caused to the client.
All via ferrata visitors must have mountain insurance before entering the via ferratas.
§2 Duties of visitors
The visitor to the via ferrata is obliged to carefully read the operating rules and take note of them on his first visit. The visitor is obliged to comply with it. The operating order is also binding for non-climbing via ferrata visitors (tourists, children, accompanying children, etc.)
Visitors to via ferratas are obliged to follow the rules of safe movement on via ferratas, which are part of the operating regulations (§4).
The via ferrata visitor is obliged to immediately notify the via ferrata owner of deficiencies that could threaten his safety and health or the safety and health of other via ferrata visitors and, to the best of his ability, participate in their elimination.
Visitors to the via ferrata are obliged to report the incident to the police in the event of theft or vandalism (steel parts of the via ferrata, boards, sports equipment, valuables, etc.).
The via ferrata visitor is responsible for the good condition of his equipment. When climbing, it is possible to use only equipment intended for this sport (with UIAA, CE marking) and handle it professionally.
When moving on via ferratas, visitors are obliged to behave in such a way that there is no unnecessary damage to inanimate parts of nature, damage or death of plants and animals, or damage and destruction of their environment, including polluting it with garbage and disturbing peace and quiet.
It is forbidden to move along via ferratas without securing and outside the route defined by the safety rope.
During a storm or if there is a threat of a storm, access to the via ferrata is strictly prohibited. The safety chain works as a lightning rod!
Children under the age of 15 are not allowed to enter without being accompanied and permanently supervised by an adult or under the guidance of an experienced instructor who is responsible for them.
It is forbidden to climb the via ferratas with ice axes, and it is also forbidden to climb the technical safety devices of the via ferrata in cats.
Entry and movement of persons under the influence of alcohol, narcotic and psychotropic substances is prohibited on via ferratas, and it is also prohibited to consume alcohol in areas intended for sports.
It is forbidden to enter the via ferrata technical safety devices with dogs. In the via ferrata area, visitors can only lead dogs on a lead and with a muzzle.
It is forbidden to enter the via ferrata premises with motor vehicles, except for the vehicles of the Mountain Rescue Service, the police or firefighters in the performance of their profession.
The army, police, firefighters, mountain rescue service are obliged to inform the administrator about their exercises on via ferratas. Exercise must take place outside of high traffic periods. During exercises, the via ferrata equipment must not be damaged. Visitors must not be endangered during exercises.
The organization of mass sports events and organized events is subject to the separate consent of the via ferrata owner.
During the seasonal closure, access to via ferratas is strictly prohibited.
Via ferratas can only be accessed during daylight hours, that is, from one hour after sunrise to one hour before sunset.
In the via ferrata area, it is forbidden to camp, set up fires outside the designated areas.
§3 Rights and obligations of the administrator
The via ferrata owner is not responsible for injuries and damages caused by risk factors characteristic of movement on via ferratas.
The owner or persons authorized by them are authorized to expel from the via ferrata premises persons violating the order, not following the principles and endangering other visitors or persons damaging the via ferrata facilities.
The owner is obliged to ensure regular professional inspections of the via ferrata’s technical safety equipment (ropes, bridges, steel footings, wooden elements, anchor points, etc.).
The owner is entitled to temporarily or permanently close individual via ferrata paths if their condition or the current situation requires it and to inform visitors about this.
When the via ferrata is closed, the owner must place a no-entry sign in a visible place before entering the via ferrata.
§4 Principles of safe movement on via ferratas
Classification of the difficulty of secured via ferrata routes A, B, C, D, E, F:
A – easy secured via ferrata route – III. UIAA
B – moderately difficult secured via ferrata route – IV. UIAA
C – difficult secured via ferrata route – IV. UIAA
D – very difficult secured via ferrata – V. UIAA
E – extremely difficult secured via ferrata route – VI. UIAA
F – very extremely difficult secured via ferrata route intended only for sports climbers
When moving on via ferratas, use the prescribed certified via ferrata equipment: climbing helmet, climbing harness, fall arrester with carabiners.
Always check your equipment carefully before going on the via ferrata.
Never climb alone.
The via ferratas are one-way, going in the opposite direction is only allowed in case of an emergency.
Never leave the route of the via ferrata and safety rope.
On via ferratas, keep a distance of 1.5 m from other climbers and do not overtake.
Before climbing, you need to consider your abilities (as well as your health). Beginners should start with easier routes and gradually increase their difficulty.
Pay more attention if the via ferrata paths are wet, icy, or snowy. This increases the difficulty of individual via ferratas.
Do not climb the via ferrata when there is an impending storm. Make sure you know all the via ferrata escape routes and leave the route early when the weather turns bad.
When moving, you must always be secured with two carabiners.
Push the carabiners along the rope when climbing and always keep them in sight.
When switching carabiners, always be secured with one carabiner on the belay rope.
When you approach the safety anchor, stand steadily on the steps, then snap one carabiner above the anchor, then the other carabiner (never both at the same time) and then hold onto the anchor.
Carefully check the closure of the carabiner lock.
When the climber is moving vertically along the steel rope, keep a distance of two fields between the climbers (min. 4m) so that the climbers do not injure each other in the event of a fall.
For horizontal (horizontal) movement, the principle of one climber per field between belaying anchors applies.
The more experienced climber climbs first so that he can check the novice below him well from above and provide him with help in time.
Always stay secured when dodging.
For your own safety, keep an appropriate distance from climbers who do not follow the rules.
If you have a seatbelt, use it only when you are resting and don’t forget to unclip it while climbing.
When climbing with smaller children, we recommend using a full-body harness and an auxiliary belay rope. It is allowed to enter the via ferrata with children, only when accompanied and under the supervision of an adult.
We do not recommend entry to the via ferrata for children with a height of less than 1.3 m. There is a risk that they will not reach the safety elements of the via ferrata (ropes and risers) and get stuck in the exposed terrain.
When moving on rope bridges and on the rope network, observe the prescribed permitted maximum load of technical equipment and the maximum permitted number of persons given by the via ferrata owner.
§5 Final provisions
Visitors to via ferratas on the Driekyňská skala must familiarize themselves with the operating and visitor regulations at the following address before entering the via ferratas:
Contact the UIMLA mountain guide: +421 905 487 060, www.tvojsprievodca
Rental of via ferrata set: Infocentrum Slovenská Ľupča, Námestie SNP 12, +421 903 162 908,
Emergency line: 112
Contact the police, Slovenská Ľupča department: 048/418 73 33